Thursday, September 13, 2012

A few months on...

My IBM Corporate Service Corp experience is still on my mind, even 4 months later. I look at photos taken in India and find myself smiling at forgotten memories and fun experiences, as we all do when looking at travel pictures. What I also find, is that I am reflecting on what I have learned about the world since India. I am much more compassionate to people from other cultures and have a desire to learn more about other places in the world.

I also feel like a little piece of me is still India and a little piece of India belongs to me. So when I watched this short, 4 minute clip on a simple act of leadership that took place recently in Bangalore by IBMers, I found myself crying. Crying with happiness but also understanding. It is worth watching.

I want to share some other video clips with you. You may have recalled in an earlier post that I talked about a local film crew following us around for a few days. Here they captured our thoughts, feelings and the work we did with our NGO.Check out that blog entry to set the scene for the videos below and see the-behind the-scenes photos (it is interesting to compare these to the videos!)

The videos have now been released and I am so excited to share this with you. They are all short in duration, ranging from 2-4 minutes. Here is our story...

First- my introductory video (1 min 31 secs).

The next three videos take you on a journey with us and our NGO. See what we saw, hear what we worked on. Here (3 mins 28secs) we discuss Concept Society and the role we will play in helping our client achieve her goals. 

In this video (2 mins 50 secs) you will see us just before we engage with a family who will benefit from the goal of our project. Meet our NGO director Hemal, who was one of the most inspiring women I've met in my life.

Here (2 mins 01secs) we share some career advice with little Rahul, the son of the family we had met.

And finally, here (1 min 17 secs) are my thoughts after meeting the family.

Enjoy! I hope you like them :)