Saturday, April 21, 2012

CSC Social Night

Whilst we worked long days and did our best for our clients, we made time to have a little fun as well :) Tyler, Anika and myself came up with the idea to host a CSC Social Night. Here is how it went:

First we wrote handwritten invitations, with origami envelopes made by Anika. Each person received one of these under their door
We set up the room, hiring a projector so we could have a slide show of our pictures through-out the night
We set the ground rules
We ensured everyone received a proper 'welcome'. Buying what we would call 'lays' but they have another name here in India which I forget. These are necklaces made with fresh flowers. Part 1 of the traditional welcome.
The second part is when you visit a temple or village, you are typically given a red mark on forehead, I believe as the sign of the third eye. We settled with giving everyone one of Anika's bindi's. Here is Maco being welcomed.
Paul is being welcomed
Masashi, being welcomed into our party
Amalia is now in our party
Zach joins the ranks
As does Patrick, already an expect in the traditional ways
Our first party guests!
We offer them pizza
We drew a raffle...
Where Masashi had to wear the dress for drawing the booby prize and Paul won the chocolate prize
We played a story writing game, where you could only write one line of the story at a time, fold it down and leave on 3 words visible on the next line for the following person to continue with. Paul had the job of reading out our story at the end.
Next up, was a game invented by Masashi. Instead of the normal Chinese whispers, you had to describe an item to the person next to you and they then had to describe what they thought it was to the person next to them....very very funny. "It's soft....."
Haha love Paul's expression
Much laughter as the person at the end of the circle reveals what they think the item was. They were wrong.
Quick break for refreshments before our next game...
One that involved tinfoil!! We had a small team tinfoil competition
Our team was Captain TinFoil
Our b-boy group
Deliberating the many crazy poses
Many laughs had  by all, great night.
Thanks for playing everyone :)

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