Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Meeting with a Minister and a press conference

To add another experience to our list, we were invited to participate in a press conference with 5-10 different papers in Indore. On the day, we had about 5 turn up and ask some questions. Here is a pictorial story board of how this went:

Mamtha is briefing us whilst we are waiting for the press to arrive
Concept Society Sub-Team. I could try and look less bored next time
Smiling now- I probably had found the cookies on the table
Coffee break time
This lovely lady from the other group's NGO came up to me and complimented me on my 'pretty eyes'. Was very sweet.
Group photo on the stairs. This location may have been my suggestion....
And I was even shameless enough to ask the hotel worker to go downstairs and take our picture from that angle as well..teeehee
Here are some of the write-ups in various papers the next day. There were a few also in Hindi but I've only shared the English ones below:

On Sunday of the third weekend, the Concept Society sub-team (Tyler, Anika and I) were extremely lucky to get some time with the Minister of Industrial Affairs (State), Mr. Kailash Vijaywargiya. This was extremely lucky because the minister is an incredibly busy man, often working from 7am to 2am the following day. The meeting between the Minister and our NGO, Hemal was quite critical in obtaining approval for the start up of the Women's Resource Centre which has been our scope of work for this assignment.

It can take quite some time to get a 1:1 meeting with a minister and at the last minute, we were advised that as he was home sick for the day- he would be able to see us. This made us scratch our heads a little as in our cultures, if you were home sick on a Sunday, you wouldn't be seeing anyone for work. Not to forget that India has a 6 day work week and Sunday is their only day of rest.

Apparently ministers do not get much of a personal life (an openly stated fact). So on our way to his house (his personal residence that he has lived in for 40 years and has since turned the bottom level into offices), we asked Hemal how much time we would be able to get with the minister for this meeting? Hemal replied that as he was home and not well, many people would be visiting him to wish him a fast recovery but to also share their requests for help. An individual may get 2 minutes and a corporate meeting such as ours might be lucky enough to get 15. This put a good perspective on what to expect. As we turned up to the house (which interestingly is in Old Indore- as he chooses to remain in his family home and be surrounded by his 'people' rather than take a government house elsewhere), we were slightly surprised to see people spilling out on to the streets to meet him.

We were taken into a waiting room as we had a corporate meeting booked where we waited with some other people. Some time later, after being offered refreshments, the minister walked in. He sat on the couch next to Tyler and we all said hello. It was from here the business meeting started, the minister still had the hospital tape on his hand from his hospitalization the previous night.  Not long after the meeting started, he wanted to ensure we had enough refreshments but after he heard that Tyler had declined because he was not feeling well, he quickly summoned some butter milk to help settle Tyler's stomach. A very personable and almost quietly spoken man, but it was very clear that that he felt strongly about the work he did and had a deep passion to connect with his people. It was an honour to meet him.

Through out the meeting we talked about the Women's Resource Centre, mentioning that we understood his wife also worked in women empowerment NGO's. He said some words in Hindi to his associate and a few minutes later, his wife walked in, her two small dogs following close behind. It was great to have the opportunity to meet her and she was very warm and engaging.

35 minutes later and our meeting concluded. A great success. Here our photos from the day:

The Minister, Tyler, Hemal, me and Anika
Hemal speaking with the Minister of Industrial Affairs (State)
Tyler, Anika, the Minister, his wife, Hemal, me and another more senior member of government (the minister's senior) who happened to walk into the room toward the end of our meeting. We were able to meet him as well.

"In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same". Albert Einstein


  1. Another great blog post. I think I would find the press conference quite challenging, but at the same time quite a unique opportunity. And then to meet the minister of industrial affairs for the state, even though was sick, would have been quite special. As you say, he is clearly committed to his job. Well done Jess. Must be close to the home stretch now. : )

  2. Oh, and I like the Albert Einstein quote : )
