Thursday, April 5, 2012

A moment in time

The sun is hot. You can feel it beating down on your skin, the rays individually penetrating exposed surface area. The images that are flashing before your eyes are sometimes so incredibly different from your own world and amazing it can feel surreal, like you are watching TV.

There is something voyeuristic about traveling through-out in a rickshaw or bus that reminds me of visiting a wildlife park where you are moved around by a jeep, connected to tracks. A vehicle which is safe and comfortable. But it is not just animals and habitat that we are looking at, but instead human life and our living practices.

I almost feel guilty, sitting there in that bus clutching my bright blue bag, which holds all of my worldly possessions that I deem necessary to be able to walk out into the day. These people here walk only holding a product of work; sticks, water or bricks. Or maybe they are holding a child who is too young to walk. Where does my sunglasses case, Ipod earphones and eye-liner fit in this scenario?

I better understand the phrase 'people of the land'. In self reflection, I can't help but be amazed at the rapid evolution we have made. I love that my role in my workplace requires me to sit in front of  my laptop and just think. The only actions that my body needs to make is a furrowed brow and the movements of my fingers. My mind is completely engaged on the task at hand, but so are the people here concentrating on their farm or produce. Their need to survive.

I obviously come from a privileged country but what is common between these people in India and me is the human interaction and relationships we each hold. They have marriages that are happy and successful and ones that are not. They have friends and network for community good. They raise children and want the best for them, even to their own detriment. Not that different to people you may know?

I have always liked the word 'humble'. I think what I want to do is become more grounded. Not really referring to the materialistic aspect, but in terms of my thinking. Yes, I still want to get a regular manicure but I don't want my mind to be concerned with trivial matters when something is not working out as I would like. Maybe the  journey is about becoming more accepting rather than demanding.  Work hard for what you want but don't let your ego become you. As my sister says  'everyone is the movie star in their own film'. I observe this in people constantly. We tend to forget about others around us and sometimes we are tempted to wonder why they are not reacting in a certain way that we would like. Are we expecting them to bend to our will? Why should anyone have priority over another? Why should people feel more entitlement than some? Those born into a certain country or lifestyle, are there because of chance and luck.

Seeing the people in India live the way they do and to be be invited here for work, the ability to see through the work lens of this country has given me an insight that has taught me just how big this world really is. I mentioned in an early post that I have not traveled a lot. I feel that after these particular 2 weeks in India, I am equipped to understand most other countries. I feel like this ground I walk on is close to the origins of humanity, similar to how Africa must feel. It is a sliding glass in my mind as I see what is in front of me and how it applies in my own world. It is an interesting feeling to see how I react to these comparisons. I have seen and heard things that have had me in tears more than once.

I enjoy being candid as much as one can when sharing an opinion and I thoroughly enjoy laughing at my own misadventures so following blog posts will return to that tone however I wanted to take a moment in time, to stop. And to tell myself what I am thinking, here. I want to return to this post in the future and judge myself to see what changed. I am going to be accountable. The work I am here for involves an NGO and an amazing lady (Hemal from Concept Society). She really is a genius in her own right. Her life story should be captured in a documentary and if you want to read some more reflections about her, click on Tyler's blog where he describes her in the way that our group has seen. I encourage you to read a little bit of that blog as you will understand how I feel as I compare myself to her. Hearing about her adversities and achievements makes me want to dedicate my entire life to helping others. I know that as a psychologist I could already claim that label. But I don't feel that way about my own life anymore. There is so much more we can do to help people, I want to become involved. More will come on this topic later.

"When asked if I am pessimistic or optimistic about the future, my answer is always the same: If you look at the science about what is happening on earth and aren’t pessimistic, you don’t understand data. But if you meet the people who are working to restore this earth and the lives of the poor, and you aren’t optimistic, you haven’t got a pulse. What I see everywhere in the world are ordinary people willing to confront despair, power, and incalculable odds in order to restore some semblance of grace, justice, and beauty to this world"- Paul Hawken. 



  1. Great read, Jess - keep 'em coming! I can't wait to visit India some day!

  2. Unfortunately, it has been a while since I have been in to view your blogs, but what a one to come in on!!! Such a well written, and insightful blog post. I actually felt it as I read it. Keep it up Jess. Perhaps we can have a chat about it at some stage on your return. I would so like to do one of these trips as well. Keep up the good work Jess : )

    1. Ah thanks Mike :) Would be great to catch up over a coffee when I get back and I can share all the stories. Have you considered applying? I believe the application open time is now or very very soon.

    2. I will be applying, there is little doubt of that. I think the applications open towards the end of April. I shall look forward to catching up on your return. In the meantime, keep up the good work (just to carry on my trend of wordiness from the first comment - haha) : )

  3. Enter future Jessica, 5th of April, 2016. Much has changed, but perhaps not so much in the direction I would have wished. A product of my own success, yet a failure when it comes to my altruistic desires. I am glad I wrote this post as it did remind me of that moment in time, and I can only think that there will be a time in the future that I will add a comment here, and I say that I did what I intended to do. For now, I continue along societies gravy train and try and 'make it' in this materialistic and sometimes superficial world.
