Saturday, March 24, 2012

First impressions - 1/2 day in Indore

Most people would write a blog about their first impressions of a new place, after 1 day. It has only been 1/2 day for me and I already have thoughts I want to share (...I know this will surprise no one). Ok so flying from Mumbai to Indore (1 hour flight approx) and checking into the hotel, I observed the following things:

- Whilst cars seem to have seat belts, there are no seat belt holders/clips to actually be able to buckle up. I wrapped my seat belt around me, held in place only by my arm to continue the pretense. I don't know why I felt the need to do this as it would render useless if I actually needed it.
- Some cars had no license plates.
- First time: Getting a bus to the plane after checking in at the airport.
- Another colleague was on the Mumbai-Indore trip with me (Greg from Australia was on a later flight and was lucky enough to get a nice sleep in!) so when Miguel (from Chile) and I took our seats, I was a row behind him on the plane. Miguel stepped out of his seat mid-way during the flight and when he came back, he had lost his window seat. The guy sitting in the same row simply moved down? Interesting.
-  As the plane was landing, there was a lone office chair a few hundred metres away from the plane, but otherwise in the middle of no where. Whose been sitting on that chair? Is it a naughty chair perhaps?
- As previously identified, my bag weighs a ton. Well not quite. But philosophically it does. So there was an awkward moment when I had to wait and see if my bag would fit in the boot of a car between transits. Oops.
- The streets of Indore remind me a lot of Batam in Indonesia. From what I've seen so far, there are no side walks and cars/people/wild dogs/goats/cows all mix in together.
- Saw a lady balancing a large basket full of goods on her head as she walked.
- Passed many many large cows on the streets. Apparently Paul (from the US) and Tyler (from Canada) had a close call on their car ride to the hotel concerning a cow. Appears cows are not aware of the beeping system?
- Men and children freely relieving themselves in the street or spitting.
- Very dusty.
- Women sitting side saddle at the rear of a push bike whilst their men pedaled around. This appeals to me.
- Not a helmet in sight.
- So many symmetrical faces here, many attractive people.

Some great experiences so far! I've been able to meet some more of my team today! As you know, Greg flew with me over from Australia, I met Paul, Tyler and Miguel in Mumbai and then at the hotel in Indore I met Anika from Germany. Tyler and Anika are in my sub-group so it has been really nice to meet the people I will be working with closely through out this month so early on. As Paul commented, so far, we all look like our bluepages photos. Amusing anecdote- 2 of the group were on the same plane but had not met yet. But one was able to identify the other when walking through the cabin of mostly sleeping people as he was the lone person working away on his laptop. Typical IBMer! :P

Story telling time- through photos:

We all met for breakfast and here is what my first Indian breakfast looked like:
I am terrible at capturing the name of these dishes, however am told it contains typical Indian  breakfast food. Fruit tastes delicious here!
Our rooms are on levels 2 and 3 mostly. This is our foyer. 
Yay! The gym!! I really wanted to do this today as we had a 6 hour window to spend getting organised in our rooms. Unfortunately I had an allergic reaction to something that bit me today and one foot was beginning to swell up my leg badly. Spend the afternoon with it elevated and waiting for my antihistamine to kick in. No gym session for me, hoping to check it out later today or tomorrow morning. Really want to get into a good habit from day one.
My headquarters, I mean, room for the month. 
Clothes all ironed and put away. There is already a pile of clothes in my suitcase ready to go home as I know I will not be wearing them. It took me all the way to get here to believe that what I wear in Southbank is not required here.
First room service of the month. Teehee...putting me in another country doesn't mean that I am going to change completely. Me and in-room dining go way back.
Featured here: Vegetarian crepe and a diet pepsi. $7 plus 30% tip.

Speaking of tipping. You hear all the time how people offer to help you in exchange for money. Now I have heard this story many a time so figured I would be quite savvy to the fact when it was happening to me. Wasn't the case. Turns out I am too agreeable. Someone offers to take my bag and check me in at the airport, wearing an airport issued business shirt- ok, why not? Sure. Take my 29.6 kg (somehow it went up .2 overnight?) bag for me and put me in the right line. Poor Miguel had connected with me after this had happened so he too was in this little exchange of services.

So imagine my surprise as I am happily trotting behind the heels of this 'helper' when he takes us to stand around a corner and then asks us for money. Miguel and I had a quick discussion and decided an amount to tip, finding the whole thing funny as I should have known better. We pay and move on. Checking in with our in-country contact upon arrival in Indore, we asked how much would be typical to give in that situation. Her reply? "50 rupees" (approx $1)...we gave 300 rupees. Oh well, not too  much of a dent in our pocket but now we know better!

And my final comment for first impressions? Meeting the other members of the CSC team was exactly like I had expected and hoped for. There is something pretty cool about meeting people from all around the world who work in the same company as you do, and then sit down for breakfast together. We are later all going out for dinner when some of the others arrive and I can definitely see how CSC-Alumni speak so fondly of their team mates. These guys are awesome and I truly can't wait to see what the rest of the month brings. A great opportunity to do this through my organisation. Thinking about applying for the CSC? Do it. Do it now. Actually, applications open in April but start reading the requirements and getting prepared. You will thank yourself for doing it.


Well, go on. What are you waiting for?

#ibmcsc #ibmcitizen


  1. Another excellent installment. Great to hear about the sights you experienced as you traveled the streets. Sorry to hear about your allergic reaction. Hopefully it will settle down quickly. That breakfast looks 'interesting'. Anyway, keep up the good work in your blog and keep enjoying the adventure.

    1. Another insightful blog. Love it Jess.

  2. Oh do love reading your blog!! Feel I am there with you!! Keep them coming Jess.......Am so glad you are reveling in it all

  3. Hi Jess ... I am sooooooooooo enjoying reading your blog - you write so well!

    The hotel looks fabulous ... much better than I had anticipated they would use for CSC.

    Looking forward to reading more - and learning heaps about the whole CSC experience from you.

  4. Its good to hear you are settling in Jess. Great blog. Take care...Love you...Dad xx
