Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Videos and expectation setting

#ibmcsc #citizenibm
Today was an interesting day- I prepared for my assignment by making an introductory video of myself to share with my team in Indore, India. We had been given a picture of our work location which I also shared in an earlier post and today we received a video tour of our new work space. Very eye-opening indeed. I can see why the ladies were told not to worry about packing high heels! We definitely need to dress for comfort here. Unfortunately I cannot share the video publicly here in my blog as permissions were not received but if you are keen to see it, contact me directly and I can share the link with you (which I am authorised to do).

Some expectation setting was done today by our in-country contact who had shared pragmatic details like:
"You can work in that big room with the desk. They will put a table in it for you. That back room, they will clear it out for you so you can have private place to meet and talk. Note: there is no A/C. That is why I showed the fan. That front room will probably be comfortable. Back room might also. Just to let you know, it is an Indian toilet. She will furnish paper and other necessities. Also, they don’t have wireless so she will furnish data cards for your use while you are there".

This will be new experience that's for sure - I almost feel a little guilty about my comfortable desk set up, close by kitchen facilities and AC/Heating as well as the thousands of coffee shops at my door that Southbank Melbourne is known for.

I also overcame my little fear factor of creating a 2 minute introductory video. I found out some very insightful things about myself through this process:

  • A two minute video will take me longer than two minutes to record. 
  • I don't breathe properly when talking on camera. Cue, large gulps of breath.
  • I don't have a webcam video function on my laptop like I thought I did. Thank you iPhone for coming to the rescue. 
  • I say random statements and sentences I've never before used in my life, but apparently decide are appropriate for video. 
  • I open my eyes really wide on occasion and seem to do an excessive amount of blinking.
As such, it took me 13 attempts to record one complete 2-minute clip about myself. As seen in the picture below.

My multiple video attempts- You won't be seeing me on tv anytime soon. NB: The earlier videos there are from my trip to NZ when in a small ten-seater scenic plane and my brothers dog 'Mishka'. 

In true Jessica style and my psychological cathartic decision making ability,  you will now see my final attempt below. The main reason why this clip became the final product was due to people walking into the meeting room I was in and I did not want to be caught to be talking to myself on my phone.



  1. I love that IBM is giving team MBRs around the world the opportunity to work together, and that your able to share your experience via blog! Video was excellent, so many hows/whats/if's going to be answered on your journey from there organization's cogs turning, down to the life style over there! cant wait to read more as you start your journey which excitingly enough is just doing your job, love it!
