Sunday, March 4, 2012

Getting prepared for the assignment

It has been an interesting process leading up to this assignment. Our pre-work consisted of weekly meetings where learning modules, team building activities, introductions to NGO partners and specifics on our project assignment were shared. In addition, we had to get our business visa's sorted in our respective countries, organise immunisations and read the logistic guides and other material that has been prepared for us. This is around 40-60 hours in total prior to the assignment.

The preparation for the lead up of this assignment has been really informative and I do feel very well looked after. When we formally accepted the assignment, there was a line in the document that initially had me slightly worried as it related to our in-country lodging "you will be provided with mosquito netting where necessary"...LOL I was imagining that we were sleeping in tents and I would come back covered in mozzie bites!

But alas, my fears were in vain as our hotel where we are staying seems to be quite lovely and mosquito free (I hope!). The duration of our overseas assignment is 4 weeks and when we return there are some post-work activities that we are encouraged to do like sharing our story. I think we will be more than happy to talk about our experiences!

One of our first tasks was to 'meet' our NGO partner before going. Tyler from my sub-team suggested we make a 2 minute video clip of ourselves which we can each send to our contact in Indore. When I first read his email I will admit I thought 'Ahhh a video?! No way, that is scary' but then Tyler and Anika had completed theirs and they were amazing. I am going to do mine today and I've found the idea has grown on me. Perhaps the lessons I will learn on this assignment have already begun to take effect?

The way we have typically been sharing these intro's has been via YouTube but from links that are not posted. That means that you have to be provided the link to be able to watch it. Depending on my fear factor of talking on video (childhood memories prove this not to be a talent) I may just get up the courage to share the clip with you all here.
#ibmcsc #citizenibm

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