Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The food, my team and our client

So much happens each day and I try and keep a record of the little stories I want to share with you all and of course my memory is terrible when it comes to the time to post. So, the plan is an incoming post of photos and of our first visit to the villages. Then I'd like to share some reflections with you. All dependent on the internet speed. It is currently 10.47pm (4.17am for those playing along in Australia) and I am sitting in the breakout room with Tyler, Paul, Patrick and Mashashi who are all drinking beer and playing cards. I am sitting at the desk blogging, drinking diet coke and sharing with them my ipod speakers to provide background music (thanks to my Mel-sista for lending it to me- came in handy babe! love you and miss u xx).

Our first team dinner although we don't have a full group. Please meet on the left: me at the front, then working back Maria from the US, Delfina from Argentina, Kabi our in-country contact and starting at the right is Anika from Germany, Tyler from Canada, Paul and then Zack from the US.
Menu at the restaurant we are eating at above. We have since been back and I daresay it will become our local. It is within walking distance, is considered more upper-class and for an absolute feast of food, it costs us no more than $5 each, including tips. The price you can see listed here is in rupees. 50 rupees = approx $1. Very cheap compared to Indian food in Australia.
As alcohol is not as freely available to what I am used to, I am living off diet pepsi and diet coke. Not that you find the 'diet' equivalent all that often.
But I can't say that this brown rust looking substance is all that great.

Couldn't resist having a veggie burger back at the hotel. There is something reassuring about fries. On that note; I had my first veggie burger at McDonalds today. India McDonalds = not bad. Next on the list to try: KFC and Pizza Hut.
Time for a new restaurant. This time, it is more at the 'local level' of what people in India eat. I've learned now how to read all of that in Hindi....Not really. Shahi Paneer anyone?
And this is what we had from the menu above. All for $2 per person.
After dinner, the ever smooth Maco gave all the ladies a rose that were being sold on the side of the street. From left to right: Maria, Anika, Delfina, Maco, Me and Mamth, manager in Corporate Citizenship & Corporate Affairs, IBM India. 
Our first work day. Kick off with the Partners. Here I am with my sub-team, Anika and Tyler. To the right is Hemal, our partner and founder and CEO of Concept Society. Amazing woman.
Kabi and I. Kabi is our in-country contact who has been guiding us from day one, making us feel comfortable and familiar with the overall process. The whole feeling of the assignment would have been different if Kabi wasn't in charge of us. Thank you Kabi.
Fabindia- The first place we shopped at and bought our Kurta's. You will see us wearing them in later photos. You will also notice that I didn't venture out of my comfort zone colour wise.
Inside the store.
So I've learned the hard way that 'mild' in Australia is not 'mild' in India. I am now the one in every crowd is who annoying and needs to have all spice removed from my food. I've taken to having the waiters write down the dishes that I actually can eat. Such a sooky la la.
It looks like so much money, but we are each just putting in $5 for a fantastic meal.



  1. Ohhhhh....SO jealous as I just <3 Indian food SOOOO much!

  2. Love you to sista! Glad to see the apple came in use!

    So jelous of the cheap Indian food! Under 5bux! Sooo good, don't for get the rice haha

    That mc d's veg burger looked good to! Fresh compared to here !

