Friday, March 30, 2012

A welcome dance, camel trail and sugar canes

We visited our second area, Manpur where we met with people from a 'tribe' and also the second office of Concept Society. On the way there we were treated with the sight of camels migrating from Rajasthan with their owners:
That middle camel is carrying a dog would you believe it
An interesting traffic view
Little babies atop a camel weaving through traffic
Amazing creatures
Sheep also migrating from Rajasthan
Upon arrival, we were again welcomed with their traditional placement of a red bindi on our foreheads, sometimes throwing flowers over us as well.
This is what we arrived to when visiting the tribal people- there is no excess materials here. As someone said 'these people don't even have cupboards. But it is because they have nothing to put in them'.
A welcome dance by the tribe. I tried to make the video better by turning it on its side, thinking it would arrange itself accordingly but it was not to be. Apologies. Interesting how even though these people are so far removed from our society - they still felt embarrassed to do this in front of us to begin with and preferred that we joined.

Here is a video of the end of the dance and a 360 view of their location:

As always, these people don't have a lot but they will welcome us with what they do have. Here are organic fruits. I tried the banana and it definitely tastes different to back home.

The ladies sitting, listening to Hemal.
Here is a video of our we communicated with everyone from tribes and villages. If you listen closely, you will hear the lady tell a story of how Concept Society has had a positive impact on their lives:

This is an example of what they make to sell for money and goods
Another example of their hand-made goods
The girl on the right was absolutely stunning. She was 16 and they were trying to hurry up and get her married so that she was less of a burden. All said matter of fact with no malice, it is just the way it is.
Everyone gets their name tattooed on their arm when they are little. Apparently this is a very painful process. Although we have also heard that this could be the tattooed name of their husband.
Little girl becoming shy
This little girl has a fake tattoo at this stage. Wasn't too impressed in showing her arm though.
Nearly every woman / girl has a nose ring, regardless of age.
I am being dressed, ready to be a bride. Ankles, waist, wrists, neck- all adorned.
All done - ready to be married....Or not.
Tyler visited a school when in the tribe and was able to take some pictures of the kids activities
It was lunch time and the kids were getting their lunch cooked
The kids waiting for their lunch
This is the market village where we had to buy some jewelery. Had to. Forced to. Not really.
Anika and I in the jewelery store.
Awesome hand bracelet.
This is what I was wearing in an earlier photo when with the tribe. This is real silver.
A hair decoration
The lady owner of the jewelery store
INR 5 = 10 cents.
Manpur Office
Eating the meal that was prepared for us inside the Manpur office.
I love this picture that Anika took outside of the Manpur office. Captures so much.
On the way back to Indore, we stopped for a sugar cane drink. It is very refreshing and strategically placed outside of the city so that people coming back into Indore will purchase this. Here is a video of the guy making our drinks (I drank as much as I could until I heard it also contains ginger, lemon and garlic-blargh).

1 comment:

  1. Jess you look so well....clearly you are thriving on this experience. I am delighted to know that I am now not the only person in the world who has turned a video camera to a vertical position assuming the image would turn with it !!!!!
