Sunday, March 4, 2012

House, cars and pets

There wasn't a lot of change growing up when it came to the family household. In the time of my childhood, we moved only once when I was at school and any change that followed that was coming home from school to find you were sleeping in a different bedroom of the house (thanks mum). But that kept it interesting. This wasn't the same for my siblings though who experienced quite a few moves more than me and I definitely see them as developing resilience much faster than I did.

One of my first bedrooms. Completely decked out in pink and Madonna posters (of whom I am still a big fan). Remember her in 'Who's that girl?". Featured here is also my little sister Kristina.
Now in the main family home: Being in a big family, we needed a van. This was the bane of my life in teenage years. A big yellow van did not contribute to my popularity.
Our pet dog 'Patrick'. An unusual pet name I'll admit but he was the best dog a girl could want growing up. Sadly now he looks over us from above.
Bikes dumped in the driveway. This happened after mum and dad went out and said we had to stay inside the house. They were spotted coming down the street and this was the result of the mission home.
My first car brought for me by my parents when I was 18. This Sigma did me proud for quite a few years.
#ibmcsc #citizenibm

1 comment:

  1. Look at you in your Sigma!! My first car was a Sigma SE classy version. Learnt some more about the wonderful person that is Jessica Renee.....Hope they all appreciate how lucky they are to have you ........and we have to miss you all that
